EP256 David Arkenstone Barnett Atlantis Rising on Exploring Possibilities

EP256 David Arkenstone Barnett Atlantis Rising on Exploring Possibilities

David Arkenstone Barnett, Photographer, Painter and Lecturer for Atlantis Rising NZ (https://www.facebook.com/canterbury.et.connection/) shares his research and insights about Atlantis Rising with host Sheryl Sitts, Possibilities Facilitator & Holistic...
Introduction to Holistic Wellness: Recent Interview of Sheryl Sitts

Introduction to Holistic Wellness: Recent Interview of Sheryl Sitts

Recently invited to be interviewed about holistic wellness on Lone Star Radio, a local station on the square of a small Texas town.  I had no idea what to expect!  How do I speak about this path to those who may unfamiliar with it, and in a way that is grounded enough...
EP228 Genn John Crystal Whisperer, Matchmaker, & More on Exploring Possibilities

EP228 Genn John Crystal Whisperer, Matchmaker, & More on Exploring Possibilities

Genn John (https://www.ArkansasCrystalWorks.com) talks with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about her connection to crystals, a connection she promises everyone can have.  In this interview they discuss: – How Genn began learning about crystals...
EP227 Ben Vonderheide Dogon & Nomoli Sacred Stone Figurines on Exploring Possibilities

EP227 Ben Vonderheide Dogon & Nomoli Sacred Stone Figurines on Exploring Possibilities

Bennet J. “Nomoli Ben” Vonderheide (https://www.ancientalienstones.com) talks with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about the sacred Nomoli carved figurines he recently wrote about in a blog post on her website at...

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