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Introduction to Holistic Wellness: Recent Interview of Sheryl Sitts

Recently invited to be interviewed about holistic wellness on Lone Star Radio, a local station on the square of a small Texas town.  I had no idea what to expect!  How do I speak about this path to those who may unfamiliar with it, and in a way that is grounded enough to invite them into a new experience?  Refreshingly, my hosts later shared their own skepticism about having me on the show, saying they were concerned I would be “too far out there” for their audience to understand.

My hosts were very welcoming and I felt comfortable and inspired by their genuine interest and open hearts.  My guidance, of course, gave me all the right words to introduce new possibilities without jumping too far off course in any direction. We defined terms like holistic, spiritual, and shamanic practices as well as speaking about the healing powers of meditation, energy work like Reiki, plants and food as medicine, massage, chiropractors, acupuncture, the power of the mind and positive thinking and much more.  We also discussed vibrational healing through drumming and other music and chanting, and we’re now organizing a local drumming circle in Conroe, Texas to kick off the new year and introduce the power of drumming to young and old alike.  (By the way, CONTACT US HERE to organize a drumming circle in your area.)

Following is our interview:

JOIN THE CONVERSATION with your comments and questions below.  I will answer all messages.

THANKS for watching!  If you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel just below the video and/or subscribe to my email list on  Here’s to your health and a most abundant 2020 and beyond!

With love and gratitude,

Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Practitioner & Coach

Activating, Manifesting & Broadcasting Possibilities ~ Naturally!

Sheryl’s Blog


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