Jul 11, 2023 | Addiction / Codependence, Articles, Business Services, Career, Career & Finance, Coaches & Counselors, Divorce, Exploring Possibilities, Featured Podcasts, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Money, Online Shows, Plants & Herbs, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Shamanism, Speakers & Authors
Exploring Possibilities Host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner visits with returning guest Doron-Hitzchak Gibor, International Speaker, Healer, Master Coach (www.doronyitzchak.com & www.breakthroughmatrix.com where he offers...
Mar 6, 2022 | Books, Career, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Media, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Speakers & Authors
Peggy Sue Skipper, Intuitive, Healer, Author, Founder of The Consciously Curious, and Member of the Conscious Co-Creators (http://www.loveandkindnessworld.com) chats with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner...
Jan 23, 2022 | Books, Business Services, Career, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Featured Podcasts, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Media, Money, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Speakers & Authors
Kevin Hancock, multi-award-winning Author, Speaker, Chairman and CEO of Hancock Lumber (http://www.thebusinessofsharedleadership.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (http://www.sherylsitts.com) to discuss: His...
Jun 24, 2021 | Business Services, Career, Career & Finance, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Meditation, Money, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Sheryl Sitts
“How can I learn to manifest?”Classes, books, and programs on how to manifest have become all the rage. Ironically, we are already manifesting. In fact, we couldn’t stop manifesting if we tried! To manifest is to create what we call “reality” on this physical plane....
Jan 11, 2021 | Articles, Astrology, Books, Business Services, Career, Career & Finance, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Feminine, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Holistic Products, Meditation, Money, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Shamanism, Sheryl Sitts
2021 holds some powerful planetary guidance for transformation! At one time, we (especially women) worked very closely with the moon cycles and planets for our highest good. It is my intention to resurrect that practice for myself with the Moonology Diary 2021. It...
Dec 20, 2020 | Books, Business Services, Career, Career & Finance, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Media, Money, Online Shows, Relationships, Speakers & Authors
Royce Christyn, Actor, Researcher, Writer, Futurist, and Documentary Film Director (https://www.RoyceChristyn.com) chats with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.sherylsitts.com) about: His book Scripting the Life...