2021 holds some powerful planetary guidance for transformation! At one time, we (especially women) worked very closely with the moon cycles and planets for our highest good. It is my intention to resurrect that practice for myself with the Moonology Diary 2021. It provides the moon phase and zodiac sign for each day of the year and how to work with those. It also contains meditations and activities for each New and Full Moon and tells us which astrological House each falls within so we can focus our manifesting and releasing accordingly. It’s a beautiful journey!
Would you like to join me? If you purchase your own copy of Moonology Diary 2021 at https://amzn.to/38wOwhW, I will receive a small affiliate gratuity for everything within your shopping cart.
Let me know how it goes for you! Can I provide you with a 2021 Spiritual Numerology reading empowering you to work with the energies of your birth chart this year? Can I help raise your frequency with a vibrational sound session or support you with coaching to navigate the challenging times? Contact me. I would be honored.
With love and gratitude,
Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner