EP212 James Thomas Devitt on Channeling, The Awakening Network, & The Bluestar Healing Method on Exploring Possibilities

EP212 James Thomas Devitt on Channeling, The Awakening Network, & The Bluestar Healing Method on Exploring Possibilities

James Thomas Devitt, Master Spiritual Teacher, Channeler, Healer, & Founder of The Awakening Network (https://www.BlueStarSpiritualorg/bss) tells host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Spiritual Coach, Broadcaster & Practitioner (https://www.SherylSitts.com)...
EP209 A Shamanic Journey with Star Wolf on Exploring Possibilities

EP209 A Shamanic Journey with Star Wolf on Exploring Possibilities

Linda Star Wolf, Visionary Teacher & Shamanic Guide & Founder of Venus Rising & Venus Rising Institute (https://www.ShamanicBreathwork.org) tells host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Spiritual Coach, Teacher & Practitioner (https://www.SherylSitts.com)...
Why Must I Love Myself Before I Can Love You?

Why Must I Love Myself Before I Can Love You?

Why must I love myself before I can love you? If I don’t love myself, I can’t begin to even feel your love. I have spent my lifetime going through the motions. Feeling moments of joy between long stretches of empty. I can’t receive your love because...

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