EP211 Laura Marjorie Miller on Solo Travel, Relationships & Writing on Exploring Possibilities

Laura Marjorie Miller, Writer & Author (https://www.LauraMarjorieMiller.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Spiritual Guide, Practitioner & Broadcaster (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about relationships, self-doubt, divorce, codependence, and more as she learned the value of solo traveling as she shares in her book The Flagrant Joys of Solo Travel (available on Kindle at https://amzn.to/2QyreAf). They also discuss their experiences in the Facebook Group Harmonic Convergence 333 (www.Facebook.com/HarmonicConvergence333), her upcoming article on Light Language featuring Eva Marquez in Enchanted Living Magazine (formerly Faerie Magazine), her process for writing to tell her stories and the articles on pagan holidays for Elephant Journal and others. They even discuss “ETs” in this fun conscious conversation.


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