Nov 25, 2018 | Crystals & Gemstones, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Holistic Health Care, Media, Meditation, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Water
Doris Angerbauer Carstens, Spiritual Artist ( tells host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Spiritual Coach, Teacher & Practitioner ( how she awakened to her spiritual truth at a young age through the loss of her...
Nov 18, 2018 | Coaches & Counselors, Crystals & Gemstones, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Faith / Religion, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Holistic Health Care, Massage Therapy, Media, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Shamanism
Zada Rena, modern-day nomadic healing facilitator ( talks with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA ( about her journey from conventional Christianity into massage therapy, reflexology, nutritional consulting and...
Nov 16, 2018 | Death / Loss, Energy Work, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Holistic Products, Media, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Pets & Wildlife, Plants & Herbs, Sheryl Sitts
What a gift it is when a soul companion comes along in animal form! They love us unconditionally and teach us so much as we do our best to care for them. Such was my relationship with Loki, a male Maine Coon I found as a hungry baby kitten, bottle-fed and loved...
Nov 11, 2018 | Coaches & Counselors, Crystals & Gemstones, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Feminine, Goals, Health / Wellness, Media, Meditation, Money, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation
Silke Tyler, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Hypnotherapist ( tells with host Sheryl Sitts ( how she’s always been conscious and how that has evolved from reading tarot cards to numerology,...
Oct 21, 2018 | Breath Work, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Holistic Health Care, Media, Money, Online Shows, Plants & Herbs, Shamanism, Sheryl Sitts
Sheryl Sitts ( and Mario Rosales ( invite you to Peru in September 2019 and discuss the sacred sites, shaman and tour guides of the highest integrity, working with sacred plant medicines, why...