Feb 5, 2019 | Breath Work, Career, Career & Finance, Coaches & Counselors, Divorce, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Faith / Religion, Faith Based Worship, Featured Podcasts, Goals, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Money, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Speakers & Authors
SPECIAL REBROADCAST (from 10/11/2015) in loving memory of Hans Christian King who passed away peacefully on January 16, 2019 in his home at age 75. Beloved medium, author, lecturer, guide and counselor, Hans King was one of host Sheryl Sitts’...
May 15, 2016 | Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Media, Online Shows, Water
Kimberly Kucharski, Birth Doula, Pre & Perinatal Massage Therapist, and Energy Worker opens up to host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about her journey into healing Hashimoto’s Disease and Leaky Gut. Kimberly speaks with love and wisdom about her...
Jun 21, 2015 | Breath Work, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Faith / Religion, Faith Based Worship, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Shamanism
Reverend Octavia Brooks of the Temple Without Boundaries (https://www.TempleWithoutBoundaries.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about her universal temple and tele-ceremonies, the healing she facilitates, and how she creates a...
Nov 9, 2014 | Astrology, Books, Exploring Possibilities, Holistic Education, Media, Online Shows, Speakers & Authors
Professional Numerologist and Trends Analyst Gail Minogue (www.GailMinogue.com) talks with host Sheryl Sitts (www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about numerology, astrology the Divine Design (her book title) behind all of life, the roles of various countries in world...