It’s been about 3 weeks since we returned from our 11 day Sacred Plant Medicine Intensive in Peru (you can read my return blog HERE). I’m asked a lot about my experiences over there, but the irony is that I’m still healing and expanding! The ceremony isn’t the total experience; it is a beginning. I’m simply not the same person anymore. I wanted to share a few big and small changes here.
I am beginning to wean myself off La Dieta (I blogged about this in a series beginning HERE), a very restrictive food diet that accompanies the ceremony. I’m doing it with an item here, an item there, and I’m amazed at watching myself. I really don’t want a lot of what I ate before at all now. Sometimes when I taste them, I recognize that they don’t taste as good now and I’m done with them (like trying pancakes at a late night networking meetup at IHOP). That brings me to sugar, my longest running food battle. I’ll admit sugar still tastes pretty good, but I’m hyper aware of the rush and crash it creates in my body as well as the mental fog. I don’t like it! When I observed my grocery cart for the week with literally no junk food at all, I thought, “who am I?”
I did my taxes this week. Despite what I had thought was good planning and depositing all year, I owed $1,900…in 15 days. Ugh! To say money has been one of my greatest teachers in this lifetime is an understatement. The old Sheryl would have gone into a complete spin recalling my parent’s bankruptcy and all the lies told to bill collectors who called at all hours, and my dear mother crying and cursing the IRS over and over again. Indeed, I made a promise to myself long ago never to owe the IRS, yet here I sat hearing my mother’s voice in my head calling me irresponsible and scolding me for not planning better (the way she felt about herself most of the time I now understand). Instead I called my dear life partner and we talked a bit, I took a break, returned and soon discovered I could pull together just enough from my various cash resources and still put food on the table and pay the bills. The Universe provides for us perfectly! I sat in such deep gratitude for the continuity of my business through it’s trying first 3 years and for my soul growth and healing around money! I finally managed to remain the observer of me going through a once terrifying experience without being triggered. For that I was even more grateful than I was for the ability to pay the tax man!
I had a difficult conversation with my largest client, led by a woman I love dearly and have been close with for over 20 years. Her call and contract arrangement also saved my business in its early days, but hours have increased until I no longer have time to expand my coaching program (I want to start a group entrepreneurship program and kick off an individual holistic healing coaching program), write my book, and resume public speaking. I expressed my gratitude, explained the situation, and asked to return to 2 days a week. She understood and accepted it wonderfully. In one sense I may miss the easier flow of money but I’m passionate about growing my business now and am more comfortable doing so with this nice arrangement. What a gift!
I see the blessings that fill my life. I am more grateful than ever. I am more centered than ever. I often find that I am observing myself rather than getting caught up in the drama or emotion of the moment. I have balance and real peace. I feel emotions without them running my life. I didn’t get all of this from 11 days in the jungle of Peru, but I got it at a deeper level. Such is this journey, layer by layer, healing and expanding, becoming a deeper expression of ourselves. For this I continue to feel immense gratitude!!!
Namaste and much love,
Sheryl Sitts, Founder, Journey of Possibilities