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Countdown to Sacred Plant Medicine Intensive: 16 Days

jungle-406783_1280In just over 2 weeks I return to the Amazon in Peru (read about my first journey HERE), the womb of our beautiful earth for a powerful ceremony.  I’ve been slowly, steadily changing my diet and routine in preparation for an 11-day intensive sacred plant medicine journey.

Actually Ive been working with sacred plant medicine and exploring holistic possibilities for three years now and found great healing in this path.  It feels that my time has come to disconnect in a very private, extended space of surrender and listen to the mother plant herself.  My musical medicine man and his tribe create a soft yet powerful place to open and heal for which I’m grateful.

Layer by layer, I’ve been awakening in ceremonies to see how I’ve created stories about the experiences of my life and then lived those stories as truth.  Recognizing and clearing those away frees me to live more fully.  I feel more emotionally and spiritually alive than ever, yet as I move through these layers I have come to some deeper core issues that block me from true intimacy, trust, and self-love as well as connecting with my body.  Like many others affected early by incest or sexual trauma, I live disconnected from my body in ways and have not yet fully made peace with this miraculous ‘home’ I live in. These early experiences with abandonment and sexual violation of trust have also led me to medicate in many ways, the earliest of which is my original addiction.

Sugar has been my way to numb out or find comfort since I was first given it in my baby formula when taken away from my birth mother for adoption, a truth I learned in ceremony last year.  Whenever a painful experience or uncomfortable sensation has happened, sugar has always has made me feel better, however temporarily that lasts.  Once worn off, however, I’m left me with the original pain and emptiness plus a craving for more sugar.   While I’ve developed and overcome addictions (a word I define as acts of escape) to smoking, drinking, cocaine, exercise, sex, and more, I have now returned to my original addiction of sugar and my deep desire to move past it and learn to trust and love more…myself most of all!  Intimacy begins with self love.

La dieta (in preparation to work with sacred plant medicine) calls for renouncing sugar, honey, and all sweeteners as well as salts and most foods the average American eats.  We are to cleanse and heighten our senses for this ceremony.  As with any addiction, when I stop using a substance or behavior to escape, all that I have been suppressing through that act arises to be acknowledged.  By further disconnecting from the distractions of media and moving more into meditation, I feel all of this even more.

This blog is where I will share my raw feelings, experiences, insights, and blessings before and after my trip.   It helps me to share with you and my prayer is that this will reach women in similar situations who may feel alone or wonder what to do.  I thank you for being here with me and invite you to reach out if you feel guided.

Blessings, namaste, and much love,

Sheryl Sitts, Founder, Journey of Possibilities

Learn more about using plant medicine for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing/awakening, listen to my interview with Aurianna Joy (click HERE) and/or Graham Hancock’s TEDx presentation  (click HERE).

Spirit guided me to create this “Countdown to Sacred Plant Medicine Intensive”  blog series to help demystify this sacred healing/awakening path while simplifying the dietary preparations by sharing practical ways I am preparing for the Amazon while working and living in a modern society.   If something I share sparks your curiosity or interest, please COMMENT BELOW and let’s create a conversation here.  I receive no compensation for sharing here but am drawn by my heart to create a safe space and portal of possibility for anyone seeking hope and help to know there are many natural solutions we have not fully explored.  Only by searching within and carefully selecting holistic modalities that resonate for us and practitioners who hold their work and healing space sacred can we truly unlock our own amazing journey of possibilities!  I am here for you if I can help in any way.  Namaste.


Sheryl’s Blog


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