My beloved fellow Lightworker / Starseed,
I love you! Please feel all the love I have for you as I share something weighing heavy on my heart. May you feel this deep within your heart…your soul…right where your purpose and mission reside within.
We came to be pioneers into the New World. So why are we still running to the doctor when we’re sick/injured? Do we believe what we teach? Do we really believe we can heal ourselves? Do we practice it ourselves, or do we keep funding a tired, broken system? Are we teaching those we love how to heal themselves? Possibly facilitating that healing while teaching them that they can do it, too?
I’m not suggesting if we have a heart attack or break a bone that we don’t immediately treat that! However, it doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other. To what degree are we healing underlying beliefs and emotions that cause/attract the incident or illness, even as we head to the hospital or doctor? Are we reducing our dependency on “modern medicine”? I’ve seen bleeding and pain literally stop in a minute when we get to the root cause. I’ve seen diseases and cancers reversed. I’ve seen blood pressure and heart rhythms restored. Miracles! This is the truth of our power. Are we shifting into our power?
THE SHIFT happened. The time for us to stand in our truth. Now. <3
Is it scary as all hell at times? YES! Is it life affirming and totally worth it? MOST DEFINITELY! Can we do this? UNDOUBTEDLY!
I have been digging down and healing the underlying emotions to heal my body for 6 years now. I never heard of self-healing or energy work before that. I went to the doctor and popped pills for every little thing! Now I use meditation and coaching to discover root cause emotions and fears, then energy work, plant medicines (various forms), minerals, waters, and other natural solutions for deep healing.
Can I help you? Are you feeling overwhelmed or stuck? I’m here for you! Book a session. Listen to my shows. Read my recommended books. Whatever it takes, we came to walk the talk. I love you and I know you can do this!
Namaste and so much love …
Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Spiritual Speaker, Coach & Practitioner
Founder, Journey of Possibilities
NEXT WEEKEND you are invited to participate absolutely free from anywhere in the world in Harmonic Convergence 333 global meditation. On August 11, 2018 at 1:11, help us raise the vibration on our beautiful planet and infuse her crystals with unconditional love and Light! Download the meditation on my events page or create your own. To join our Texas Hill Country gathering at ONE-TLC, click HERE for details.