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What To Do When Your Practice Doesn’t Fit Current Business Models

box_strategyAs a marketing and media professional, my training has been all about how to brand, define, and market  business.  Tag lines.  Key words.  Outreach strategies. Niche marketing.  Imagine the irony that I actually came to create a business that doesn’t fit in the box!

Initially, I used everything I knew and fought expanding my business into new directions because that would violate all I knew about starting a business, defy the very coaching I had received and given!  ‘Focus on one thing first, get very well known for that, and then expand.’  But that’s wasn’t what I was being Divinely guided to do!  So, I went against what I’d learned to created as I was guided, trusting Spirit.  Still, my human side felt confused with waves of fear about having ‘screwed up’.

boxesOne night in a small shamanic ceremony at my home surrounded by some of my closest friends on this path, I sat quietly with the question that had been on my mind: how do I fit Journey of Possibilities into an effective business model?

The answer I got actually made me laugh out loud.  “Why are you trying to fit possibilities into a box?”

And there it was, as easily as that, my answer.  I didn’t come here to fit into a box.  I didn’t come here to follow business models.  I have learned so much about many of them.  A bachelors degree.  A masters degree.  Managing marketing and outreach for a variety of large and small companies.  Working in media and advertising.  Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy.  Countless other business and personal growth workshops.  I’d built a vast library of great information so I could pick and choose to create my own truth, one moment at a time.

My next question:  how do I promote a box-less, limitless creation?

Another short, sweet answer followed.  “I’m Journey of Possibilities, are you ready?”

Sometimes the greatest joy comes when we stop trying to follow anyone else and sit in the complete vulnerability of the unknown.  After all, isn’t that where every great possibility starts?  In the void.

We incarnated at this time to be part of the one of the greatest shifts of all time.  We are here to create something new.  Something authentic!  That usually doesn’t have a model to follow.  So, if you’re a scared entrepreneur or wanna-be-entrepreneur, you are not alone!  We’re all in this together…individually.  Cool paradox, huh?

spiralI have set aside all my ‘programs.’  No more stress.  Now I’m playing and having FUN!  I don’t have any box to put you in, only ways I can serve and souls I can connect you with.  Anyone who has participated in my programs has gotten expansion, possibilities and tools for your journey, and now we’re moving beyond that.  I remain open and ready to connect individually and co-create whatever is right between us: a podcast, an energy work session, a coaching session, a magazine connection, or something not yet defined.  It’s simply about connecting my energy, a spiral of expansive possibility, with your energy for personal and/or professional growth.  Standing in that vulnerability and allowing whatever is meant to happen to show up is quite liberating, as I trust more deeply that I’m perfectly prepared to serve you whenever we are meant to connect.  How cool is that?   Is it resonating for you?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely here to create something new, taking the best of all you’ve learned, putting it all in your tool kit, then showing up vulnerably to ask, “how may I serve you?”

I know writing this is already unlocking possibilities and expansion between us.  Maybe that’s all there is for us today.  Maybe not and you feel guided to reach out. Either way is perfect and I honor you and your Journey of Possibilities.  How’s it going?  Are you ready?  wink

With much love and gratitude,

Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, etc. Holistic Practitioner & Transformational Coach

Journey of Possibilities ~ Check out our new holistic spirituality e-magazine and weekly Exploring Possibilities podcast!

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