Do you recall the game show Let’s Make a Deal? Contestants could either keep prizes they won or gamble them for bigger prizes. It was fun to watch and consider whether I would keep the prize or risk it for something better. Of course it was much easier to say I’d take that risk as I watched from the comfort of my own home with nothing to lose.
How we make decisions in our daily lives isn’t really so different, is it? Every day we opt to live in the Truth of who we are and see where that leads us, or to accept a job/mate/lifestyle that we know to be less than our heart’s desire. The difference is that we aren’t on a game show, and God wouldn’t tease us with a bigger dream, daring us to take less or risk maybe not receiving the grand prize!
Florence Scovel Shinn wrote some 90 years ago (tho The Game of Life and How to Play It remains timelessly accurate today) that God typically sends an “olive branch” as in the great flood as a sign of larger blessings ahead. This is NOT the prize! However, if we accept that olive branch and then abandon pursuit of the larger dream, we have left the game as assuredly as if we were a contestant on that show returning to our seat. How much better to give thanks for these olive branches and continue in faith along our journey of Possibilities to our own best Life.
Sheryl Sitts