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How We Learn to Heal Ourselves (Integrated Holistic Living)

“You have a lot of anger and this will help you open and resolve that,” my latest Lightworker said.

Anger, I thought?  That was logical given my past, but it just didn’t ring true for me in that moment.  Oh well, I suppose she knows best.  She’s been doing this a long time and I’ll trust her.  As I continued the treatments, I felt the anger but could not identify its source.  It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that another practitioner asked me questions that helped me to see that it was her (the Lightworker’s) unresolved anger that she was unknowingly feeling in every other and putting into her particular form of sacred plant medicine. Great! Like I don’t have enough of my own stuff without picking up other people’s!  This was the beginning of me learning the importance of practitioners being clear vessels before they work on others, but more importantly, affirmation of an even more profound lesson.

LeanSomewhere along my journey of awakening, I had begun to depend on ceremonies, energy work, sacred plant medicine, and practitioners to show me the next steps in my healing and awakening and help me access that.  I had not realized how I was trusting everyone else more than myself!  Many months ago a dear concerned friend assured me that we don’t need anyone or anything else to find our answers as he helped me redirect onto a path of finding my own answers.  I’m so grateful for that truth and now eagerly share with others my discoveries.

For some time now I have been exploring and enjoying a balance I call integrated holistic living.  I use ceremonies and energy work occasionally while regularly honing my own gifts for receiving and hearing Divine guidance.  My intuition has become quite strong!  Prayer is as powerful as we are taught. Daily meditation is a basic, profound transformation tool for finding peace and hearing the Divine.  Tarot cards, whether pulled at random to answer specific questions or used in a spread, provide shockingly accurate answers every time. I found a pendulum that resonates with me and I’m enjoying exploring with that.  I am highly aware of animal medicine and how our dynamic Universe never stops communicating with us.  I use stones and crystals to strengthen weaker chakras and voids in my energy field.  Music and sound are powerful tools for healing, expansion, and creation (“In the beginning was the word…”).  I’m excited about learning breath work soon as a tool for accessing higher states of consciousness.  Learning and incorporating all of this helps me live consciously every day, and it’s fun, too!

HereNowSo why then would we ever need to go to practitioners or ceremonies like I just did in Peru?  Sometimes we develop physical pain and can use help to unlock it so we can feel and heal the underlying emotions that are manifesting in our bodies. Other times, we become stuck as we move deeper into our shadow beliefs and behaviors or heal old traumas, and that support to shift the energy and help us access deeper layers is welcome and beautiful.  There are also occasions when we want to share ceremony with like-spirited others to create and explore our soul family, and these can be beautiful experiences.  In short, it’s there any time we want it or it can help us.  For me, the lesson has been preserving those as occasional, sacred spaces while strengthening my own powerful gifts and senses the majority of the time.  I don’t believe that this is a path that should create dependence on other practitioners or medicine, but a path that is here to teach us to awaken our own gifts and remember how to heal ourselves.

I feel so passionately about this that it is the foundation of my present business expansion and rebranding.  The look of my site won’t change much, but my programs and offerings will.  I will continue coaching and supporting awakening women to heal, guide, and expand ourselves personally and professionally, but the process is becoming centered in finding our own gifts and healing ourselves of the trauma and pain that keeps us stuck.  Meanwhile, let me know what you think!  How can I serve you?  What questions do you have?  Comment below.  I will answer every one!

Namaste and much love,

Sheryl Sitts, Founder, Journey of Possibilities

Thank you to all who have helped me awaken, and those who have helped me shift into helping myself awaken while supporting me with their friendship and occasional ceremonies and gifts.  Much, much love to you!

Sheryl’s Blog


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