Horus came to me in the early weeks of COVID-19 as a feral rescue cat trapped while living in a wooded small-town park. Estimated to be about 3 1/2 years old by the vet who “fixed” him, he was extremely skittish and would turn aggressive when startled. Our relationship began with him safely enclosed in a cat run in my garage (pictured above) with him hiding out beneath the platform and me on the ground beside him.
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Upon arrival, I began placing a few drops of Rescue Remedy into his drinking water. That really helped him calm down so he wasn’t quite as skittish and I could touch him more comfortably.
Within a week, Horus discovered the platform above his safe place had a pet door leading into…the house! He entered and began darting about this vast, intriguing, unfamiliar territory. Whenever I would enter the same room he was in, he would dart beneath the furniture (below).
Almost immediately he also began “peeing” on my bed. Was he marking his territory or letting me know he has a urinary problem? A vet told me that since he was neutered later in life he would likely continue his well-established habit of marking his territory. To address any possibly urinary tract infections, I returned to a wonderful holistic product I’d used to support my last cat Loki in his “golden years”: Urinary Gold. A few drops on his canned food each morning and evening takes care of any infections that may be developing.
Horus settled in nicely to home living and enjoyed playing with balls and toys. Since he’d learned to gobble down whatever scraps he could find or kill in the wild, he ate so fast he would make himself sick! I bought a Trixie Tunnel Feeder which he loves! I put a bit of dry food in there daily and he has slowed from finding and gobbling it quickly to picking a few pieces out here and there throughout the day / night.
We had several more incidents of him peeing on my bed, however, and that had to stop! I did some more research and discovered Feliway Cat Pheromone Diffusers. What a life-saver! Since plugging that in, we have been incident-free! I’ve also observed an already semi-relaxed cat become much more at home here since this arrived. He no longer jumps up/down when I enter a room or walk over to him.
As you can see here, King Horus has come home. We have bonded beautifully in 9 weeks! I’m delighted with the trust we’ve built together which I partially attribute to a quiet house, no children or pets to adjust to, and me working from home. That said, I KNOW that Rescue Remedy, Urinary Gold, my Trixie Tunnel Feeder, and Feliway Cat Pheromone Diffusers have helped us immensely through this transition! If you have a cat struggling to adapt to changing circumstances, or you are considering allowing one to rescue you, may these be of benefit to you!
With love and gratitude,
Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner