EP255 Miguel Dean Twin Flame Romance & Sacred Union on Exploring Possibilities

Miguel Dean, Catalyst, Seer, Healer, Author, and Holder of Sacred Space (https://www.MiguelDean.net) talks with Sheryl Sitts, Show Host, Possibilities Facilitator & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.sherylsitts.com) about:

  • his romance book Bring Him Home: A Twin Flame Love Story (available at https://amzn.to/2UJUTHC with a small percentage supporting the continuation of this podcast)
  • what happened in his life leading up to him meeting his Twin Flame for the story he shares with us
  • who is this book best suited for?
  • What is meant by the title Bring Him Home
  • How does Miguel define “twin flame”? Is it different from what you think of a twin flame?
  • What is the role of sacred sexuality in conscious relationships?
  • How do we begin to balance our inner masculine and feminine energies and why is this important?
  • How do we know when we are ready to do this work?
  • What about couples where one couple is “conscious” and the other unconscious, or there is an imbalance to the relationship?
  • What is the driving purpose for Miguel Dean in doing this work?

and more!

Sheryl & Mario Rosales (https://www.MarioRosales.com) invest time, money and energy into creating professional broadcasts that can help you transform life from the inside out in holistic spiritual ways. We deeply appreciate your support of any amount at https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com/Support. Thank you!


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