EP215 Georgia Heard Heart Mapping on Exploring Possibilities

Georgia Heard, Writer, Poet, Keynote Speaker & Heart Mapping Pioneer (https://www.Heartmaps.com) tells host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) what heart mapping is, how it works, why she came to use it in her own life and how it has taken off from there.  She discusses how it can also help people in addiction or trauma recovery or even after spiritual ceremonies to reconnect more deeply and fully to our hearts. TRY HEARTMAPPING in Georgia’s Guest Blog at https://www.journeyofpossibilities.com/map-your-heart-chart-your-life-by-georgia-heard/.  Her book Heart Maps: Helping Students Create and Craft Authentic Writing is available at https://amzn.to/2M8fwrr.


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