EP199 Dr. Jean Logan Channels Healing Glyphs On Exploring Possibilities

Dr. Jean Logan, Ordained Minister & Author with Ph.D.in Nutritional Healing (https://www.Dr.JeanLogan.com) tells host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about channeling symbols and codes to transform health, life and well-being, with all proceeds from her publications going to support indigenous children.  Her books include Unlocking the Power of Glyphs,Sacred Symbols of Light, and Symbols of the Dawn, and she has published the Sacred Symbols Healing CardsDr. Logan shares how she found Japanese healing, Reiki, Pranic Healing and more to explore holistic healing.  She then refined her skills in guided writing to channel glyphs and messages for healing.  She has come to understand that the glyphs work through electrical energies and help pets and humans clear all types of illnesses.  Dr. Logan shares stories of healing seizures, lack of self-love, emphysema, lungs, cancer, heart, snake bites, and they discuss the emotions behind back pain and high blood pressure.  They also discuss her upcoming book.


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