EP182 N. Donell Hill on Finding Joy in Change, Transition, and the Unknown on Exploring Possibilities

N. Donell “Donnie” Hill, Certified Cancer & Communication Coach, Leadership Development Consultant & Transformation Specialist (https://www.thelifemaximizer.com) visits with show host & Holistic Spiritual Coach Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about his experiences growing up as a young gay black man and how that strengthened and inspired him to coach clients (like his Mom) through facing cancer and to embrace all that was possible in his own life, love and business.  Donnie shares how you can know what you really want and the power of saying “I don’t know”.  Finally they discuss how he supports heart-centered business leaders to unapologetically and authentically communicate what matters most and move through transitions in their businesses.  They also discuss what happens when life doesn’t look like we think it should.


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