EP181 Jay Stailey Labyrinth Facilitator, Coach and Builder on Exploring Possibilities

Jay Stailey, Veriditas-Certified Labyrinth Facilitator and Houston’s first Labyrinth Coach (Email: [email protected]) tells Holistic Spiritual Coach, Speaker, and Show Host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how his career in school administration led him to walk, learn, guide, coach and ultimately build temporary and permanent labyrinths in Houston, Texas and around the world. Jay discusses the history of labyrinths, how they can help high-energy personalities to center and meditate, a healing way to walk the labyrinth, their archetypes, and even about a problem solving labyrinth he built.  They also discuss his upcoming trip with a group of students to build a labyrinth in Pesaro, Italy with the Houston Grand Opera.


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