Lately I find myself reminding those who serve, heal parent, and care for others in this world (and myself as I repeat the message) not to give it all away. We who love to help others can very quickly find ourselves running on empty. As one of my friends put it, “Don’t you and your cats (my latest at-home children) deserve some too at the end of the day? Why give it all away?”
We race around doing and giving and listening and loving others and enjoying the beauty of observing those effects. True, that is its own reward, but it is very much like the oxygen mask that drops in an aircraft emergency – we MUST first and always have enough ourselves to keep going. Even if we can delude ourselves for a while, soon our health reminds us that we are not loving ourselves first.
There is a big difference between being self-centered and loving ourselves. Loving ourselves first not only ensures we will be able to go the distance, but also that we are emulating the example many more would learn by observing than through our words. How can we ask one thing of them and show them another? Which do we really expect them to hear? Which would WE hear?
Meditation, healthy foods, plenty of water, prayer or reflection, physical exercise, and quiet moments of deep breathing are all things we MUST place strategically throughout the day to restore and sustain us. Continually seeking spiritual guidance and insight from within, absorbing nutrients from wholesome and healthy foods, energy from sleep and exercise…these create a sustainable life of service which absolutely must begin with self.
We have two excellent excuses to slow down in the evenings and be still this week. Take a blanket outdoors and observe the Lyrid meteor shower in the northeastern sky tonight and then our full moon on Thursday night. Connect yourself in to the Universe and receive the Love that is yours. Soak it in and enjoy the Oneness of being alive. Talk about rejuvenation! Honor yourself for being a loving, giving, living part of creation and give yourself a big hug from all of us who are so grateful for you.
Namaste and much love,
Sheryl Sitts, Chief Inspirational Officer