This week, I have been consciously seeking to be in a place where I see all that is possible for myself personally and professionally. In that light, I had the privilege of spending an evening with a very spiritual and gifted healer whom I’m blessed to know. One of the messages that I received loud and clear during our meditative, prayerful, openhearted time together was to use my innate gifts from a place of vulnerability and humility. Only then, with love and focusing on others, will I find my most rewarding Path and blessings. I spoke of this to another wise spiritual woman later during the week, and she pondered a moment before correcting me. “Vulnerability is a state of weakness. Don’t be vulnerable. Surrender.”
That sentence has sat in my mind and heart for a few days now and come into my awareness at different moments and conversations (like my radio interview). I have prayed and meditated to feel the difference and be conscious of that in my actions.
I have seen and experienced that being vulnerable while we have an open mind and heart can place us in dangerous positions with other people that actually do more harm than good. If we are being vulnerable, we allow others to hurt us with their words and actions and diminish the Light that we shine in this life. We give away our Divinely gifted Power and endanger ourselves physically, psychologically, emotionally, and economically.
Conversely, when we surrender to God, we walk in Divine protection and healing, and we have the greatest love and protection possible. We give up trying to understand and control, and we allow ourselves to be guided by our heart to our brightest and most rewarding Life. We stop holding on to what we THINK we need, or THINK will protect us or provide for us or love us, and we allow ourselves to FEEL that we are safe, loved, and protected. We feel forgiveness and forgiven, safety and protection, and above all, LOVE. Our feelings are a Divine voice when we allow ourselves to hear them.
May you find your way to the next step in your life and through whatever is frustrating, hurting, or worrying you by living in a state of surrender to the Divine orchestration of the Universe…God as you know and understand God.
Sheryl Sitts, Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer