Oct 25, 2020 | Books, Career & Finance, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Featured Podcasts, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Media, Money, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Plants & Herbs, Shamanism
John Perkins, Chief Economist, Author & Activator (https://www.johnperkins,org) and founder/board member of the Pachamama Alliance (https://www.pachamama.org/) and Dream Change (https://www.dreamchange.org/) talks with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities...
Oct 15, 2020 | Guest, Holistic Education, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Pets & Wildlife, Shamanism
What do you call these little guys? Stink bug? Boxelder? These guys are common this time of year, but when you encounter them multiple times in different ways, you might consider the deeper messages of why they are showing up for you. I’ve wondered for a...
Oct 11, 2020 | Books, Business Services, Coaches & Counselors, Death / Loss, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Holistic Education, Holistic Therapy, Media, Online Shows, Relationships, Speakers & Authors
Laura Staley, Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Author, Speaker, Compassionate Coach & Founder of Cherish Your World (https://www.cherishyourworld.com) visits with Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.SherylSitts.com)...