EP171 Sheryl & Mario Healing Physical Pain At Its Emotional Roots on Exploring Possibilities

EP171 Sheryl & Mario Healing Physical Pain At Its Emotional Roots on Exploring Possibilities

Host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) and Mario Rosales (https://www.mariorosales.net) share personal experiences from Vipassana to daily life as they explore metaphysical and scientific support for healing physical pain at its emotional root...
Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part II

Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part II

In Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame and Silence, Part I, I explore some of the shame and guilt I have felt in being infected with and carrying genital herpes for most of my life.  I also discuss natural treatments for pain relief and suppressing the...
EP170 Dale Allen Hoffman Ancient Aramaic Philosophies In An Awakening World on Exploring Possibilities

EP170 Dale Allen Hoffman Ancient Aramaic Philosophies In An Awakening World on Exploring Possibilities

Dale Allen Hoffman, scholar of ancient philosophy, mystic & energetic healer (https://www.DaleAllenHoffman.com) tells host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) how he came to work with the ancient Aramaic teachings, about religious doctrines and...
EP169 Viergelyn Chery-Reed Conscious Eating, the Power of Play, and The Souls Compass on Exploring Possibilities

EP169 Viergelyn Chery-Reed Conscious Eating, the Power of Play, and The Souls Compass on Exploring Possibilities

Viergelyn Chery-Reed, Holistic Psychotherapist, Soul Coach, and Spiritual / Energy Healer (https://www.GroundingHearts.com) opens up to host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about her journey with food and conscious eating, the power of play and...
EP168 Tatiana Berindei Sex, Love and SuperPowers on Exploring Possibilities

EP168 Tatiana Berindei Sex, Love and SuperPowers on Exploring Possibilities

What’s your bliss tolerance?  Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast host and coach Tatiana Berindei (https://SuperPowerExperts.com/Tatiana-Berindei/) explores this concept with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) as they discuss how sexuality...

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