EP100 Jill Mattson Sound Healing on Exploring Possibilities

EP100 Jill Mattson Sound Healing on Exploring Possibilities

Jill Mattson, Author, Healing Sound Composer & Artist (JillsWingsOfLight.com & Ancient-Music.com) shares with Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) how sound heals people, animals, and all living beings, the many ways we’ve used sound to help us...
EP99 Gary Stuart Constellations Brings Families Peace on Exploring Possibilities

EP99 Gary Stuart Constellations Brings Families Peace on Exploring Possibilities

Gary Stuart, Author, Speaker and Master Constellation Facilitator (HealingInActionNow.com) talks to host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how his work with constellations helps families break repeating cycles of dysfunction and trauma and realign their...

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