Community Agreement / Usage Policy
Welcome to the Journey of Possibilities!
By using this site, you agree to abide by this Agreement.
Please read the entire Community Agreement before using the Journey of Possibilities Community Tools.
Think of Journey of Possibilities Community as a meeting place to discuss any topic concerning the Holistic Field. Conversation and debate may be lively, but try to keep it civil.
As a member, you agree to the following rules when using
- Please treat everyone with respect, as if they were a next door neighbor.
- Do not pretend to be someone else, mislead others, or post messages under several member names for a single topic. Users with multiple accounts may have all accounts and messages removed without notice.
- Due to the volume and fluid structure of the forums, some message board posts may contain adult content. Lewd and lascivious posting will not be permitted. We recommend posts not exceed a PG-13 rating.
- Please do not post unsolicited business advertisements. A “business advertisement” includes any offer of a service to the public, from a company or individual, for profit. Panhandling activities or requests for money without proof of legal non-profit or not-for-profit status is also prohibited, as can not verify the authenticy of such requests.
- Personal attacks are not allowed. Do not harass or threaten others, deliberately inflame or disrupt the conversation, or air personal grievances about other members of the community.
- Personal grievances among members should be dealt with privately and respectfully through PMs (private messaging) and not on the community forums.
- Think of this as a polite conversation. DON’T YELL, and respect others’ rights to their opinions.
- Be careful about posting personal information, and do not post the personal information of others without their permission.
- Your words and images must be your own or ones you have permission to use. Please respect others’ copyrighted material. Do not post others’ private emails or private messages (PMs) in the forums unless you have their permission to do so.
- Please proofread your post or comment before you publish.
- Do not post web addresses/links to competitor sites/forums.
- Do not Spam or send multiple copies of the same post or comment.
- No bullying. If you do not think a person should be allowed to use the web site, bring it up with a moderator.
- If you decide to leave the forums, don’t post long Goodbye threads. Please keep it to PM’s amongst your friends. “Swan Song” threads will be locked or deleted.
- If you have a problem with the web site, please bring it up with an administrator or moderator rather than complaining on the message boards. Public complaints about the web site, administrators or moderators is a Terms of Service violation will result in the message being removed and your account being put into read-only mode.
Journey of Possibilities and any employees or officers ARE NOT GIVING MEDICAL ADVICE or SUGGESTING ANY COURSE OF ACTION for your particular situation or medical condition. We offer a platform that allows providers of holistic related services to offer their services, and users to find such services and DISCUSS alternative ways people might have resolve their particular situation.
Always seek the advice of a professional for any problems you are experiencing. Journey of Possibilities is not responsible for your health or your care.
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and BullyingJourney of Possibilities is committed to a safe and friendly environment for all site users, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. This includes any act, which:
There is no excuse for this type of behavior on this site. Harassment or bullying can take many forms including: slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendo’s, demeaning comments, constant unreasonable and nonconstructive criticism, encouraging others to “gang up” on the member, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, spoken or physical actions. Warnings, forced ignores (restricting the ability for a member to see another members posts), banning and/or referral to law enforcement may be used to change this type of behavior and mitigate the impact on those affected. False reports or retaliation for harassment, intimidation or bullying also constitutes violations of this policy. The site managers, administrators and moderators are fully authorized to enforce this policy. |
Message board moderators have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the above rules, and have the right to edit or delete any content that, in the moderator’s judgment, violates the spirit of these Community Rules. All moderator decisions are final.
In using this web site, you acknowledge that is a privately owned web site.
By using you agree to follow these Community Rules and you accept the terms of this Community Agreement.
This document and our policies may change from time to time. Any such modifications will be posted at this address. Please check here regularly for any such changes to our policies: