Jul 14, 2014 | Business Services, Career, Coaches & Counselors, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Faith / Religion, Faith Based Worship, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Money, Online Shows, Prayer / Meditation, Shamanism
Rebecca Hamm, Co-Founder of The One Center Austin (on Facebook & soon at www.TheOneCenterAustin.com) chats with JourneyofPossibilities.com founder Sheryl Sitts about her journey and how she helps to ignite people to Source, to manifest bigger visions, and to live...
Jan 6, 2014 | Articles, Death / Loss, Faith / Religion, Guest, Holistic Education
A lot has been published about the experiences that people go through after their life ends for a short time (NDEs). However, visions of people on the verge of passing away (known as DB visions) are not as much exposed to the public. Despite the so called scientific...