EP222 Amy Renee Kraus on a Shamanic Lifestyle & Sacred Geometry on Exploring Possibilities

EP222 Amy Renee Kraus on a Shamanic Lifestyle & Sacred Geometry on Exploring Possibilities

Amy Renee Kraus,(https://www.Facebook.com/LoveLightGardens)  talks with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about: – Her journey and various practices like gardening that have help her live in “right relation” to Earth – What...
EP193 Ubuntu Part 2-Local: D Mike Reed Ubuntu KS on Exploring Possibilities

EP193 Ubuntu Part 2-Local: D Mike Reed Ubuntu KS on Exploring Possibilities

David Michael “D Mike” Reed, Kansas State Coordinator & Manager of Ubuntu Kansas City (SoulAscension.life/Ubuntu) discusses with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) how he came into the Ubuntu movement initially seeking to make a difference...
EP192 Ubuntu Part 1-Global: Founder & Visionary Michael Tellinger on Exploring Possibilities

EP192 Ubuntu Part 1-Global: Founder & Visionary Michael Tellinger on Exploring Possibilities

Michael Tellinger, Visionary and Founder of Ubuntu (UbuntuPlanet.org) tells host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) how unveiling the vanished civilizations of South Africa and the largest collection of stone ruins found in the world to date led to his...

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