EP253 Steve Nobel on Starseeds and the Soul Matrix

EP253 Steve Nobel on Starseeds and the Soul Matrix

Steve Nobel, Author, Coach, Healing Practitioner and Founder of The Soul Matrix (https://www.TheSoulMatrix.com) visits with Show Host, Holistic Coach/Practitioner and Fellow Starseed Sheryl Sitts (https://www.sherylsitts.com) about: His personal journey of awakening...
EP132 Eva Marquez Starseeds, Atlantis, and Lemuria on Exploring Possibilities

EP132 Eva Marquez Starseeds, Atlantis, and Lemuria on Exploring Possibilities

Eva Marquez (EvaMarquez.org) spiritual leader, consultant, healer and writer visits with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how she first connected with Atlantis, Lemuria, and her starseed history.  Eva tells us how to know if we’re a starseed,...

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