EP87 Rebroadcast Michael Tamura Surviving Death 5 Times, Healing Ourselves, & The Secret to Happiness on Exploring Possibilities

EP87 Rebroadcast Michael Tamura Surviving Death 5 Times, Healing Ourselves, & The Secret to Happiness on Exploring Possibilities

(REBROADCAST (from January 3, 2016) Michael Tamura, Teacher, Clairvoyant, Speaker and Author (MichaelTamura.com) shares his personal life(times) story with hostess Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com). Hear Michael talk about being born clairvoyant, the...
EP30 Michelle Casto Discover Your Destiny on Exploring Possibilities

EP30 Michelle Casto Discover Your Destiny on Exploring Possibilities

Transformational Coach, Author, and Energy Alignment Intuitive Bright Michelle (www.BrightMichelle.com) visit with JourneyOfPossibilities.com Founder Sheryl Sitts to discuss her life experiences and how she helps individuals awaken to their life purpose to transform...

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