Dec 19, 2021 | Books, Exploring Possibilities, Holistic Education, Online Shows, Relationships, Sexuality, Speakers & Authors
Sharόn Lynn Wyeth, MA, BS, Author, Speaker, Name Expert and Creator/Founder of Neimology® Science ( talks with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner ( about: The power of the...
Jan 26, 2020 | Books, Coaches & Counselors, Exploring Possibilities, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Therapy, Media, Online Shows, Relationships, Sexuality, Speakers & Authors
Ann Gadd, iEQ9 Certified Enneagram Practitioner, Author, Holistic Therapist, Artist, Workshop Facilitator and Journalist ( and has a fun chat with host, Possibilities Coach/Facilitator, and Vibrational Healing...
Aug 2, 2018 | Energy Work, Feminine, Holistic Health Care, Relationships, Sexuality, Shamanism, Sheryl Sitts
Spiritual, New Age and metaphysical enthusiasts seem to have our own language which is occasionally referred to as ‘woo woo’. I am one who likes to be grounded, and my playful boyfriend and I often use this language with humor. We have joked about...
Jun 2, 2018 | Books, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Faith / Religion, Faith Based Worship, Featured Podcasts, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Online Shows, Plants & Herbs, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Shamanism, Speakers & Authors
REBROADCAST (from 7/9/2017) JP Sears, Emotional Healing Coach (, YouTuber (, Author, Int’l Speaker and Curious Life Student takes time out in Costa Rica to visit with host Sheryl Sitts ( He...
Apr 25, 2018 | Coaches & Counselors, Feminine, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Relationships, Sexuality, Sheryl Sitts, Speakers & Authors
In addition to helping us heal our own shame around herpes (which I wrote about previously HERE), telling a sexual partner before we have intercourse creates an even deeper intimacy and a very special heart connection. Still, for those of us who have issues around...