Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part II

Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part II

In Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame and Silence, Part I, I explore some of the shame and guilt I have felt in being infected with and carrying genital herpes for most of my life.  I also discuss natural treatments for pain relief and suppressing the...
Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part I

Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part I

One in four American women and one in five men have genital herpes, so why is there still so much silence and shame around it?  Far too many of us suffer quietly, enduring weeks of torturous burning, itching, and blisters at the most sensitive nerve endings of our...
Sheryl Sitts Talks with Kelly of Sunrose Yoga About Her Transformation through Sacred Plant and Animal Medicines

Sheryl Sitts Talks with Kelly of Sunrose Yoga About Her Transformation through Sacred Plant and Animal Medicines

Sheryl Sitts recently had the privilege of being interviewed about her shamanic healing journey with plant medicine, integrating that into her life and the development of Journey of Possibilities, her continuing healing journey, how she works with animal medicine,...

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