May 14, 2019 | Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Feminine, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Massage Therapy, Sexuality, Sheryl Sitts
My breasts are a nice size, not too big and not too small. I bathe them daily, do regular self-exams, wear attractive bras to support them when I’m out and go bra-less at home. I never gave birth and have not needed them to nurse a baby. They are sensitive and...
Jul 5, 2018 | Addiction / Codependence, Children & Teens, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Feminine, Health / Wellness, Holistic Health Care, Holistic Therapy, Prayer / Meditation, Sexuality, Sheryl Sitts, Water
Have you had a love-hate relationship with your body? Me, too. Yesterday as it rained outside I went in to take a nice long soaking bath. Relaxing to the patter of raindrops, I reflected upon my 52-year love/hate (mostly hate) journey with this body. Maybe...
Oct 6, 2016 | Addiction / Codependence, Coaches & Counselors, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Sheryl Sitts, Speakers & Authors
Adopted by petite parents and raised in a culture that idealizes Barbie-like women, I went to great lengths to try and get my body there. I tried fad diets, weight loss pills and drinks, extreme exercise, and even speed and cocaine in an effort to shrink and tone my...