EP285 Ken Breniman on Mortality, Therapy and Sacred Psychedelics (Entheogens) on Exploring Possibilities

EP285 Ken Breniman on Mortality, Therapy and Sacred Psychedelics (Entheogens) on Exploring Possibilities

Ken Breniman, LCSW, C-IAYT, Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Yoga Therapist & Thanatologist (http://www.kenbreniman.com) talks with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (http://www.sherylsitts.com) about: As we enter what...
EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

Maria Papaspyrou,MSc, BACP (Accred) Psychotherapist & Family Constellations Facilitator (https://www.towardswholeness.co.uk) and Researcher Chiara Baldini who studies the evolution of ecstatic practices in the West (https://chiarabaldini.academia.edu/) talk with...

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