Apr 4, 2018 | Astrology, Coaches & Counselors, Crystals & Gemstones, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Prayer / Meditation, Sheryl Sitts, Speakers & Authors
This year I’ve been reaching out to a handful of holistic spiritual colleagues and former podcast guests with the intention of collaboration. My conversation with Eva Marquez.was particularly interesting! We connected on Skype to explore the...
Mar 10, 2018 | Articles, Coaches & Counselors, Crystals & Gemstones, Energy Work, Guest, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Therapy, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings
Throughout the ages, mankind has tuned music to a variety of frequencies, getting extra doses of tuning notes that massaged the sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras. Each tuning note helped mankind evolve. Of all of the chakras, the heart is the most...
Oct 1, 2017 | Articles, Coaches & Counselors, Divorce, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Media, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Relationships, Shamanism
Our Conscious Couples series continues with the return of “The Pauly Lama”, Shamanic Ceremony Facilitator & Transformational Life Guide Paul Sutoris ([email protected], access his Pauly Lama’s Heartland Community in Facebook...
Jun 14, 2016 | Business Services, Career, Career & Finance, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Entrepreneur, Goals, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Online Shows, Relationships, Sheryl Sitts, Speakers & Authors
As a marketing and media professional, my training has been all about how to brand, define, and market business. Tag lines. Key words. Outreach strategies. Niche marketing. Imagine the irony that I actually came to create a business that doesn’t fit in the...
Jan 4, 2014 | Articles, Astrology, Career, Entrepreneur, Goals, Guest
Calculate your ruling number by adding your date of birth. If you were born between 1 to 9th of the month, your ruling number is the day you were born. For example, if you were born on the 5th of the month, your ruling number is 5. Similarly, if you were born on the...