2021: Daily Transformation In Harmony with the Moon Cycles

2021: Daily Transformation In Harmony with the Moon Cycles

2021 holds some powerful planetary guidance for transformation! At one time, we (especially women) worked very closely with the moon cycles and planets for our highest good. It is my intention to resurrect that practice for myself with the Moonology Diary 2021. It...
EP242 Ellen Evert Hopman The Sacred Herbs of Samhain on Exploring Possibilities

EP242 Ellen Evert Hopman The Sacred Herbs of Samhain on Exploring Possibilities

With Samhain approaching, Ellen Evert Hopman, Herbalist, Author & Priestess (https://www.elleneverthopman.com) visits with Professional Broadcaster & Possibilities Facilitator Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about: – Her background working...
EP206 Silke Tyler Loves Helping Women Discover Their True Beauty on Exploring Possibilities

EP206 Silke Tyler Loves Helping Women Discover Their True Beauty on Exploring Possibilities

Silke Tyler, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Hypnotherapist (https://www.SilkesArt.com) tells with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com) how she’s always been conscious and how that has evolved from reading tarot cards to numerology,...

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