5 Spiritual Strategies to Embrace and Embody Change

5 Spiritual Strategies to Embrace and Embody Change

Congratulations, brave soul! You chose to be alive at this time to experience these energies and shifts and help co-create a New Earth. That’s no small feat. Welcome to a world in which we are learning to anchor ourselves in change as the new norm. We’re eating...
Lightworkers…Starseeds….Are We Ready to Heal Ourselves or Not?

Lightworkers…Starseeds….Are We Ready to Heal Ourselves or Not?

My beloved fellow Lightworker / Starseed, I love you! Please feel all the love I have for you as I share something weighing heavy on my heart. May you feel this deep within your heart…your soul…right where your purpose and mission reside within. We came to...
New Moon Coffee Chat: New Layers of Authenticity Invite You to Live Your Truth More Fully!

New Moon Coffee Chat: New Layers of Authenticity Invite You to Live Your Truth More Fully!

This new moon and solar eclipse are bringing in some strong energy, and you are being guided to live your truth more fully than ever before.  Are you going within to discern what is true for you and what is not, or are you letting society and “the experts”...

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