EP242 Ellen Evert Hopman The Sacred Herbs of Samhain on Exploring Possibilities

EP242 Ellen Evert Hopman The Sacred Herbs of Samhain on Exploring Possibilities

With Samhain approaching, Ellen Evert Hopman, Herbalist, Author & Priestess (https://www.elleneverthopman.com) visits with Professional Broadcaster & Possibilities Facilitator Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about: – Her background working...
Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part I

Genital Herpes: Moving Past the Pain, Shame, and Silence, Part I

One in four American women and one in five men have genital herpes, so why is there still so much silence and shame around it?  Far too many of us suffer quietly, enduring weeks of torturous burning, itching, and blisters at the most sensitive nerve endings of our...

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