Jul 31, 2016 | Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Holistic Products
Dr. Julio Arroyo,OD, PScD, MBA Eye Health Consultants (SleepAndSee.com) tells Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com)Â how he became passionate about holistic wellness and ultimately opened his practice in The Woodlands, Texas to restore vision and eye health...
Aug 25, 2014 | Children & Teens, Exploring Possibilities, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Holistic Therapy, Media, Online Shows
Dr. Julio Arroyo O.D., M.B.A., eyehealthconsultants.com speaks passionately with JourneyofPossibilities.com founder Sheryl Sitts about non-surgical vision correction and the role of nutrition and integrative medicine in holistic eye care and wellness....