EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

Maria Papaspyrou,MSc, BACP (Accred) Psychotherapist & Family Constellations Facilitator (https://www.towardswholeness.co.uk) and Researcher Chiara Baldini who studies the evolution of ecstatic practices in the West (https://chiarabaldini.academia.edu/) talk with...
Countdown to Sacred Plant Medicine Intensive: 5 Days

Countdown to Sacred Plant Medicine Intensive: 5 Days

“You were born to be open and honest and brave and playful, to laugh often, to love much, to be loved much in return.  You were born for joy.”  Martha Beck, The Joy Diet Often during my morning showers, some insight will come through pretty strong. ...

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