Apr 25, 2021 | Articles, Books, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Green / Sustainable Living, Holistic Education, Media, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Pets & Wildlife, Plants & Herbs, Speakers & Authors
Alan Watson Featherstone, Speaker, Ecologist, Nature Photographer & Writer (https://AlanWatsonFeatherstone.com) joins host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.sherylsitts.com) to discuss a paradigm shift in the way...
May 4, 2015 | Green / Sustainable Living, Guest, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Plants & Herbs
I’ve had an article in my head for a while now but had not taken the time to write it. This morning, I got the rest of the picture… and the article. The article has been about pineapples! Mmmmm… a yummy and yet expensive fruit I love. I was having some remodeling...
Jan 4, 2015 | Green / Sustainable Living, Guest, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Plants & Herbs
Hi, my name is Jeanie Alksne. I wear many hats in my life as I’m sure many of us do. One of those is a gardener, another a yogi and a student of what nature is showing us if we just stop to watch, listen and contemplate the deep meanings that nature shows us...