EP260 Laura Staley Transforms Life with Feng Shui on Exploring Possibilities

EP260 Laura Staley Transforms Life with Feng Shui on Exploring Possibilities

Laura Staley, Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Author, Speaker, Compassionate Coach & Founder of Cherish Your World (https://www.cherishyourworld.com) visits with Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.SherylSitts.com)...
EP191 Katherine Ashby on Eastern & Western Feng Shui on Exploring Possibilities

EP191 Katherine Ashby on Eastern & Western Feng Shui on Exploring Possibilities

Katherine Ashby, Founder & CEO of Feng Shui Houston (FengShuiHouston.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about her personal journey from macrobiotics, image consulting and personal shopping and finally Western Feng Shui and Eastern Feng...
The Colors of Life: There’s More To Color Than Meets The Eye by Jill Mattson

The Colors of Life: There’s More To Color Than Meets The Eye by Jill Mattson

The energy of colors does change your life – subtly. You just don’t notice its soft and subtle impact, but you are continuously surrounded by color and its cumulative impact is quite significant. But, how can a color change your life? Everything is energy and...
Want to Build Community? Stop Killing Ants!

Want to Build Community? Stop Killing Ants!

Mowing the lawn seems like a wonderful walking meditation to me.  I get outdoors and out of my mind as I flow back and forth across the grass.  Often I receive cool insights too, and today was no exception. As I was approaching a large anthill, I got a very clear...

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