Jan 8, 2017 | Business Services, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Green / Sustainable Living, Health / Wellness, Media, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Online Shows, Water
Marcia Hale ([email protected]) opens up with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how the social prejudices of overt racism and sexism she saw as a child in rural Alabama impassioned her to become a mediator helping corporations and families to...
Jun 26, 2016 | Death / Loss, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Health / Wellness, Relationships
Artist Diane Goldie (dianegoldie.wordpress.com/) has an openhearted-unscripted chat with Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about Brexit and global politics, her inspiring raw video for StyleLikeU, self-esteem and the patriarchy, the myth of equality between...