Mar 3, 2018 | Coaches & Counselors, Death / Loss, Health / Wellness, Holistic Education, Holistic Health Care, Pets & Wildlife, Plants & Herbs, Sheryl Sitts
Even though I coach and help others become conscious of how our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and language are creating our experience of this life, I recently fell into a common trap and I’m so glad I caught it! I want to share it with you so that...
Apr 9, 2017 | Books, Children & Teens, Coaches & Counselors, Exploring Possibilities, Holistic Education, Media, Online Shows, Speakers & Authors
Gayle Yess Fisher, M.Ed.Tech, Mom, Educator and Author ( discusses her journey into parenting with host Sheryl Sitts ( A successful corporate woman, Gayle decided to become a mother later in life,...