EP221 Raphaelle Tamura Our Spiritual Connection to Animals on Exploring Possibilities

EP221 Raphaelle Tamura Our Spiritual Connection to Animals on Exploring Possibilities

Raphaelle Tamura, Psychic, Teacher &  Healer (https://www.MichaelTamura.com)  talks with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about her upcoming book and psychic connection to her pets and wildlife.  In this show, we discuss: – her beloved dog who...
Election Morning After: The Animal Response (Dog and Deer Medicine)

Election Morning After: The Animal Response (Dog and Deer Medicine)

This morning as I sit with the possibilities and energy of last night’s election, I suddenly hear what sounds like an injured dog yelping outside.  I get up and run out to see if I can assist, and what I see really surprises me. A pack of smaller dogs are...

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