EP286 Ewald Kliegel Connects Us With the Soul of Our Organs, Bodies, and Health on Exploring Possibilities

EP286 Ewald Kliegel Connects Us With the Soul of Our Organs, Bodies, and Health on Exploring Possibilities

Ewald Kliegel, Massage Therapist, Naturopath, Teacher & Author on Crystal Wand Therapy and Reflexology (https://www.ewald-kliegel.de/en.html) and co-creator of Body Healing Cards (available at https://amzn.to/31MMTMr with a small gratuity supporting this show at...
EP282 Sheryl & Mario The Heart & Soul of Technology

EP282 Sheryl & Mario The Heart & Soul of Technology

Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Holistic Practitioner & Broadcaster (https://www.sherylsitts.com) talks with Mario Rosales, Astrofractals, Tech Shaman, IT/Website Services and Show Creator / Producer (http://www.mariorosales.com) about the heart and soul of technology,...
EP267 Patrick Durkin The Consciousness of Water on Exploring Possibilities

EP267 Patrick Durkin The Consciousness of Water on Exploring Possibilities

Patrick Durkin, Author, Speaker and Founder of The Wellness Enterprise (https://www.TheWellnessEnterprise.com) chats with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (https://www.sherylsitts.com) about: How his passion to make a...
EP256 David Arkenstone Barnett Atlantis Rising on Exploring Possibilities

EP256 David Arkenstone Barnett Atlantis Rising on Exploring Possibilities

David Arkenstone Barnett, Photographer, Painter and Lecturer for Atlantis Rising NZ (https://www.facebook.com/canterbury.et.connection/) shares his research and insights about Atlantis Rising with host Sheryl Sitts, Possibilities Facilitator & Holistic...
Introduction to Holistic Wellness: Recent Interview of Sheryl Sitts

Introduction to Holistic Wellness: Recent Interview of Sheryl Sitts

Recently invited to be interviewed about holistic wellness on Lone Star Radio, a local station on the square of a small Texas town.  I had no idea what to expect!  How do I speak about this path to those who may unfamiliar with it, and in a way that is grounded enough...

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