EP187 Paul Iudica on Conscious Living, His Book & Fitness on Exploring Possibilities

EP187 Paul Iudica on Conscious Living, His Book & Fitness on Exploring Possibilities

Paul Iudica, Author of Win Before the Fight: A Journey Into Understanding (PaulIudica.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) to discuss his journey to awakening, fatherhood (growing up without a father and now his own journey into fatherhood),...
Are You Falling For This Common Mistake and Hurting Someone You Love (Maybe Yourself)?

Are You Falling For This Common Mistake and Hurting Someone You Love (Maybe Yourself)?

  Even though I coach and help others become conscious of how our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and language are creating our experience of this life, I recently fell into a common trap and I’m so glad I caught it!  I want to share it with you so that...

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