EP117 Kelly Sunrose Yoga Traditions and Practices on Exploring Possibilities

EP117 Kelly Sunrose Yoga Traditions and Practices on Exploring Possibilities

Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT200, RYT500, Yoga & Meditation Instructor and Founder of Sunrose Yoga (SunroseYoga.com) says, :Yoga is not about retreating from the world, but about meeting it more fully.”  Enjoy her visit with host Sheryl Sitts...
EP115 Marcella Pabros-Clark What Holds Us Back & What Sets Us Free on Exploring Possibilities

EP115 Marcella Pabros-Clark What Holds Us Back & What Sets Us Free on Exploring Possibilities

Marcella Pabros-Clark of Healing Mars (healingmars at gmail dot com) visits with Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how she overcame rheumatoid arthritis with holistic healing through dance, martial arts, and shamanic ceremonies, and how she now bridges...

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