EP217 Rebroadcast Dr. Nicole Apelian from ALONE on Medicinal Plants, Kalahari Bushmen, & Natural Wellness on Exploring Possibilities

EP217 Rebroadcast Dr. Nicole Apelian from ALONE on Medicinal Plants, Kalahari Bushmen, & Natural Wellness on Exploring Possibilities

REBROADCAST (from 2/10/2019) Former Alone Cast Member Dr. Nicole Apelian, PhD, Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, EcoTours International CEO & Guide, Indigineous Tourism & African Ethnobotany (https://www.nicoleapelian.com) and host Sheryl Sitts...

Strength of Ayurvedic Medicine on Diabetes by Vinit Shah

In fact, Diabetes Mellitus is classified in Ayurveda as ‘Madhu Meha’, or sweet urine, as sugar is often passed through urine in this disease.Scientifically, Causes of Diabetes are due increased blood sugar due to lack of insulin, or lack of the human...

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