May 8, 2022 | Books, Coaches & Counselors, Crystals & Gemstones, Energy Work, Exploring Possibilities, Featured Podcasts, Holistic Education, Media, Online Shows, Speakers & Authors
Eva Marquez ( is a spiritual consultant, healer, teacher, and writer with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. She works with her guides, Lights of the Universe, who are a collective group of light beings from various star nations. She teaches...
Apr 30, 2017 | Astrology, Books, Business Services, Career, Coaches & Counselors, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Featured Podcasts, Goals, Holistic Education, Holistic Therapy, Media, Meditation, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Prayer / Meditation, Relationships, Speakers & Authors
Zen Benefiel, MA, MBA, Best-Selling Author, Transformational Life & Leadership Coach, 2 Small Biz Guys Co-Host, Facilitator and more ( visits with host Sheryl Sitts ( about his first clairaudient experience at 4,...
Nov 10, 2016 | Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Faith / Religion, Holistic Education, Mother Earth & Enviromental Teachings, Prayer / Meditation, Sheryl Sitts
This morning, I awoke very early considering the surprise that Trump brought many I know who’ve been consciously ‘doing our work’ to evolve personally and co-create our 5D world. We didn’t figure him into the equation, did we? Hmmm. Why not?...
Feb 1, 2015 | Business Services, Career, Coaches & Counselors, Entrepreneur, Exploring Possibilities, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Therapy, Media, Online Shows
Jenny Griffin ( and Sheryl Sitts ( enjoy a heartful conversation about her personal journey, her work as a Catharsis Coach helping others find deep-soul-level change, her new book series, her upcoming Walking Women...
Nov 25, 2014 | Addiction / Codependence, Coaches & Counselors, Energy Work, Goals, Health / Wellness, Holistic Health Care, Meditation, Plants & Herbs, Sheryl Sitts
That’s just how I feel about my relationship between food and spiritual awakening: it’s complicated! We are the ones fortunate enough to be incarnated here during this time of mass spiritual evolution, getting to experience our planet’s...